Thursday, February 10, 2011

oats. :D

so i just learned that you can make oats delicious with the addition of peanut butter and bananas.  it's the only way (as far as i know)!  yesterday, i made the exact same packet of oats, they were maple and brown sugar to be exact, and they tasted like nothing!  they smelled delicious, but tasted like the tap water i'd used to make them!  gross!  i dumped them out and that's why i ate that leftover steak for breakfast yesterday.  D:

oats with peanut butter and bananas:  8 pts

i'm kinda rounding that figure, cuz i didn't use a full cup of milk (which is two points) but used more that a half a cup (which is one point).  and i hate counting half points.  oh, well.  i'm treadmill-ing today anyway, so if i didn't need to count that extra point i'm gonna get it back anyway.  :D

it's 1:30 and i just got done backing cookies!  Here's the recipe if you're interested.  they look really tasty.

look at them lookin' tasty.
but their actually only alright.  they have applesauce in the recipe, it does make them nice and soft but it also makes them taste like apples and chocolate and i don't know if i'm a fan of that.  and they're 1 pt per cookie, which doesn't seem bad but they're pretty tiny.  you can put the whole thing in your mouth and chomp it.  so i dunno.  prefer the meringue cookies.

one chocolate fudge bite cookie:  1 pt

20 minutes on the treadmill  :D

grilled sandwich with potato straws:  10 pts
banana:  0 pts

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