Saturday, March 26, 2011

a still owchy day!

but not as bad, though.  takin' it easy helps a lot, so after cleaning yesterday i spent the day crocheting.  i hope to finish that project today as much as i can (even though it will be a headless kitty while i wait for his eyes to come in from singapore!) and start my granny's birthday shawl.  i freaking love to make things out of yarn, plus it keep my hands off too much food.  :P

it's weird, i've noticed that some days i wake up ravenously hungry, but other days i have some coffee for breakfast and it's just as good.  but it could be that i got the delicious creamer again so it's sweet and delicious enough to make up for food, but actually only really counts as a snack.  yum.  :D

coffee with creamer:  3 pts

grilled cheese w/ buffalo chip'ins:  9 pts

cupcake:  6 pts

enchilada casserole:  13 pts

5 cookies:  10 pts
coffee with creamer:  3 pts

total used:  44 pts

the family is coming tomorrow, so i'm glad i saved my weekly points for an awesome lunch!

love, tiffers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

an owchy day.

sorry i missed my little blogglette's yesterday.  was out and about with the dude while trying not to be in a horrifying amount of pain.

well, maybe not horrifying, but extremely annoying and made me a very grumpy tiffers.  D:  i think i've been working the treadmill too hard and it's made my back very owchy.  i'm taking the weekend off from it, hopefully that will help.

anyway, i won't track at you from yesterday, but it was a game shop day which meant yummy chinese food!  mmm, boneless spare ribs with white rice.  i wish i had some more!  the only downside to that was that i was hungry again when we got home, so i went over my points by 2 yesterday, so i have 47 weekly points left.

now, for today!


coffee with coffemate vanilla caramel creamer:  2 pts (for 2 tbsp of creamer)

reeses peanut butter egg:  5 pts

2 grilled ham and cheese sandwiches (wheat bread, 2% milk cheese):  12 pts

small steak, macaroni and cheese, corn:  13 pts

4 sugar cookies:  8 pts
pudding, 2 serving:  4 pts

total used today:  44 pts

not bad.  i've been crocheting a kitty all day and i still feel bad about not getting on the treadmill, but i really don't want to do anything to make my back worse or it will take forever to go away.  and my family is coming to see me on sunday, i don't want to be all back hurt-y!  i did do massive cleaning today though, and with my back, vacuuming the house felt like a sooper work out!

love, tiffers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

my legs.

they hate me right now.

they've been hating me since i woke up this morning.  i would assume it's from that walk i took to the dollar store yesterday, but they didn't hurt yesterday.  only this morning.  sigh.  so treadmill today was extra suckish, so i cut out five minutes early.  but it's alright, i suppose.


leftover chicken, 2 garlic toast:  12 pts

treadmill, incline, 25 minutes:  +3 pts

2 garlic toast:  6 pts

2 pork chops, corn:  13 pts

my back hurts like a freakin' bitch right now.  i don't know why.  every time i stand up my legs are just sore, but then i walk around and it turns into lower half pain.  i dunno.  i guess it was my walk yesterday, that's all i can thing.  gonna lay around and not move for a while, listen to the wind try to blow me away. . .

wendy's m&m frosty:  15 pts

think i'm gonna give my poor lower half a break and crochet all day.  :P

used up all my points today with that frosty, except for my activity points.  was craving ice cream tonight, don't know why.  oh wells.

love, tiffers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a grocery day!

got so many awesome food type items at kroger today.  the store is closing, so all the perishable and frozen stuffs were 30% off.  so we got $90 worth of stuff for only $60, and it was good stuff!  of course, all the meat was gone, i bet people were waiting outside to get some meat!  but we got some frozen dinners, lunch meat, a pillsbury cookie treat (2 pts per cookie!) and some randoms.  pretty stocked up for the moment.  it's nice to have food.  :D


2 slices cinnamon bread w/ cream cheese and 1/2 cup pudding:  7 pts

three cheese ziti frozen meal:  8 pts

30 minute walk to the dollar store:  4 pts

it felt just like the treadmill, incline and all, so i'm counting it as 4 pts still.  after getting home i had a sad adventure of realizing that for some reason my key doesn't work and i had to sit on the porch for chris's dad to come rescue me.

so after being locked outside for awhile, i prepared this beauty:

baked chicken parmesan.  i'm waiting for a little bit to put it in the oven.  chris doesn't get off til eight.  granted, that's in about fifteen minutes, but it takes him a little bit to get home, especially if i need something (which i think some garlic bread would be awesome with this, so i think i need something).

more on this laters, once i actually get to eat it.

chicken strip (leftover from preparing dinner:  4 pts

chicken parmesan:  11 pts
2 garlic bread:  6 pts

coffee with flavored creamer:  3 pts

(found out some of my favorite liquid coffee creamers are only 1 pt per serving!  i used 3 tablespoons in this cup, i actually probably should have only used 2.  it's a little sweet, but oh it's so good!)

leftover parmesan chicken strip:  4 pts
garlic bread:  3 pts

total remaining:  -1

at the moment.  i'll count my activity points, so i have three more left if i want to finish my pot of coffee, but i think i'm good.

Monday, March 21, 2011

a weekly points thought.

so even though your weekly points are still calculated for you to lose weight, i don't think i'm going to try this 'eating them' thing again unless it's a special occasion.  today is the first day of the new week and i gained 1 pound.  it's not too bad, but i think it's a combination of eating all those points and not getting on the treadmill everyday.  at least it's not a horrible irreversible number, i'm pretty sure if i stick to my treadmill this week it will be gone by monday (and hopefully a little more with it)!

i also recalculated my points with the last weight loss i had (still used todays number) and i went down one, so here's my first day at 45 points!


1/2 cup cheesecake pudding and 1 apple:  2 pts

treadmill, incline, 30 mins.:  +4 pts

side note:  as far as activity points go, i don't actually add them back into my daily points unless i eat them, but i did earn 4 points that i can eat if i so choose.  i'll try to remember to give totals at the end of the day, sometimes it just kind of slips my mind.  D:

2 cups chili with 1 serving cheese:  14 pts

1 cup pudding and 1 apple:  4 pts

chili repeat!:  14 pts

cream cheese and crackers:  8 pts

total remaining:  2 pts

and i didn't use my activity points, so i actually burned something today instead of burning it off and eating it again!  yay me!

now it's sleepy time!  chris and i are gonna do a little grocery shopping tomorrow.  the kroger down the street from us is closing and moving to a new kroger right next store.  weird, i know.  but that means all sorts of perishable food that they can't move is gonna be on sale!  yay for poor people grocery shopping!  :D

love, tiffers.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

a kitty and starting a new week.

brought my kitty home yesterday!  you can check my other blog for all the kitty-ness.  right now he's under the bed being scared, he's apparently terrified of the treadmill.

tomorrow is the beginning of the new week for me and chris, and this week is the first that i've really used my weekly points for things other than special occasions.  i think my biggest problem is that it's easter season, which mean cadbury eggs!  i was telling mandy how i bought four eggs at kroger the other day (a quarter each!), and i did good the first day i had them and only ate 1 (they're 4 points each).  after that, i left them on top of the entertainment center in my room, which was an awful idea, since the next day i ate one every time i passed by them.  if i had put them in the pantry where i wouldn't see them all the time, i'd probably still have some tasty treats left!

i've learned that if i put the food away i after i have a meal, i'm less likely to keep eating it.  i still have a notoriously bad habit of pan picking, if the food is still on the stove from dinner or something, i'll walk past it and pick at it until it's been put away.  so i'm getting better at putting things away and keeping the snacks out of sight, i have two bags of buffalo chipin's in the pantry and i guarantee if they were sitting on the counter they'd be gone by now too, but i guess out of sight out of mind works great when you're on a diet!

also, i recommend a water filtration pitcher over bottled water.  i never thought i'd say that, but the water is absolutely delicious, doesn't taste like rocks and doesn't fill my trash can up with bottles!  chris got ours cheap at walmart, like $18.  i just pour the water in my stainless steel zombie bottle, fill the pitcher back up and put it back in the fridge.  plus it only takes a few minutes to filter.  it's pretty sweet, just saying.


2 slices cinnamon bread with 1/2 tablespoon cream cheese:  5 pts

treadmill, incline, 30 mins.:  +4

3 pieces garlic toast with sprinkle of cheese:  11 pts

i'm actually just guessing on the points for the cheese.  the cheese was three points for 1/3 of a cup, which i probably used over all 5 pieces i made.  so the bread itself was 3 pts per slice, the cheese was 3 pts, the whole tray i made was 18 pts and i ate three of them. . .i dunno.  an estimation is sometimes the best we can get. . .was probably about 10 and 1/2 pts, but i hate half points, so i round up.  :B

another garlic toast:  4 pts

5 chicken tenders:  25 pts
buffalo sauce:  0 pts

med. frosty from wendy's:  11 pts
20 oz sprite:  7 pts

went over my points by 12, but i still have a bunch of weekly points (actually still have 10 left, but i don't think i'm gonna eat those before they expire tomorrow)!

i got the frosty because i actually wanted a mcdonald's vanilla cone (only 2 pts), but they were closed.  and the sprite. . .i usually don't even want soda, but chris had a mello yellow and i'm just like gosh. . .yummy sprite.  it's weird that sometimes i just crave things i usually never want, just because i haven't had them!  i've had an unusual craving for chinese food, and i used to totally hate it, it's so weird!

love, tiffers.

Friday, March 18, 2011


so after about a week of being sick on and off, i'm finally up, treadmilling and cooking again!

i'm sad that i didn't go as long as i usually do on the treadmill, but every time i have to stop for a few days i always i have to start at about twenty minutes or my heart tries to pop.  D:  anyway. . .

i finally believe the scale, since on my lovely date night the other day i put on a dress i bought knowing that it didn't fit by a size or so, and it fits perfectly now!  hooray!  so i'm roughly the same size i was when chris and i first started dating two years ago, hopefully i can lose some more!


2 grilled cheese sandwiches, wheat bread, one with ham:  12.5 pts
cadbury egg:  4 pts

treadmill:  +3 pts

cadbury egg:  4 pts

spaghetti w/ 2 pieces garlic toast:  16 pts
cadbury egg:  4 pts

sandwich:  6 pts

yes, i had three cadbury eggs today!  i would be ashamed, but i counted them and adjusted the rest of my food accordingly!  it's spring time, and thus, cadbury egg time!

points remaining:  0!

on monday i'm probably going to have to recalculate my points, sadness!  will have less points but also less fat, so whateves i guess.

love, tiffers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a sickly sick blog.

sorry for not tracking at you guys.  i have been super sick the past few day, and still am at the moment, but at least my tummy is giving me a break from the toilet.

if you would like to be tracked at, my past couple of days have included powerade, crackers and soup broth.  my attempt at real food have all made me very sad.  D:

if you've check the numbers page, my last weigh in claims that i lost 8 pounds.  i don't believe that at all, but chris' weight seems accurate on the scale, so maybe it is.  i don't know.  i'm not getting my hopes up, but then again, mandy lost 8 pounds in a week before, too.  so i dunno, i don't feel like i've lost that much at all, but when i look up close at my face it does seem a little less pudgy.  i'm gonna wait until i see my mommy next week, she hasn't seen me all week so she'll be able to tell if some of my fat has ran off.

i guess that's it.  i've been sleeping and being sick all day, i think i'm gonna continue on that thread for a while.  supposed to have a date night with my dude tomorrow, but it all depends on if my food decides to stop turning  to complete liquid in my belly.

night all, stay away from rumbly tummy diseases!

Friday, March 11, 2011

wtf scale?

so, we got this awesome scale at walmart.  it's all nice and digital-y, it can save the numbers of two people and is nice and compact for storage.

only problem with this scale is that it refuses to weigh you if you sit it on the carpet, and sadly our bathroom is carpeted, save for a little square around the toilet that is way to small to do anything in.  so whenever i want to use it, i have to take it to the laundry room or the kitchen (if everybody feels like weighing that day.

it dawned on me today that i could keep the scale in the closet, since my closet is HUGE (yes, i will continue to brag about it because this closet is the king of closets) and isn't covered in fuzzy carpet.  

off to the closet i go.  the first time it came up really low, and i figured out it was because i was holding onto the closet rod to balance.  i let go of it and it shows me 'E', which means it can't find anything balanced on the scale. see why i was trying to balance there?  this thing can be a total douche sometimes.  after about five more tries to recenter myself, it finally gives me 279.5.  

now, i was just at the health department on tuesday, and weighed 284 point whatever.  i don't remember exactly.  but i find it quite unlikely that i lost like 5 pounds in 3 days.  not that that wouldn't be totally awesome.  but it's still highly unlikely.  

so i headed back to the closet to test this scale again.  after about ten tries i finally got 282.6, which is the only number that appeared more than once, so i am more inclined to believe it.  i consider it a loss for now, i'll check it again first thing in the morning to see what's going on.

love, tiffers.

leftover pizza day!

gosh, it's already so late!

i'd been trying to get out of bed since about 11, but chris is still sick with some sort of tummy bug, and i felt bad leaving him.  but at about 12:45 pm, i just had to get up, so i'll start the day with lunch!

3 slices leftover pizza:  19 pts

yes, it's a lot of points, but it's breakfast AND lunch.  plus it's already 2 in the afternoon and i'm gonna have to start cooking dinner at 7!  and in between then and now is treadmill time, shower time, homework time and pokemon time, so i think it will be alright.  :D

treadmill, incline, 30 min.:  +4 pts

i don't remember the rest, i can see into the future and i will be very sick for the next few days.  D:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

accidental omelet day.

did you know that you could accidentally make an omelet?  you can.  all you have to do is forget that you're making scrambled eggs and then then they get all omelet shaped.  i'll just remember next time not to cram it full of stuff so that it may flip properly.

look how ugly it is.  but it was delicious.

so yes.  if it looks like an omelet, just pretend that it was totally what you were going for and nobody will know the difference.  :P

tracking time!

accidental chicken and tomato omelet w/ cheese:  8 pts

2 servings tater tots with cheese:  13 pts

low fat french vanilla latte:  5 pts

story break!  

dinner is in the making.  actually, mine is ready but chris is still getting his together.  feast upon it's 7 pt per slice (compared to papa john's, where a slice of just cheese is 15 pts!) glorious-ness!

look at it.  does your mouth water?
my dude made it for me.  :D
and that whole pizza is for me!  don't worry, i'm not eating the whole pizza, but chris wanted his with onions and the pack came with two crusts anyway, so two pizzas for us.  :P  i'll track it for you after i've consumed my fill.

3 slices homemade pizza:  19 points

went over my daily points by 1, just because that pizza was so damn delicious.  D:

it was worth it.

love, tiffers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i've missed you, food blog!

i didn't abandon you, you know i love my foods!

i'm finally settled in with the dude, just a few little things here and there that need to find a home in the house and a bunch of cardboard boxed that need to go!  i have to say i'm getting really into this house wife-y type of mood, i wish i could get a bunch of school money so i could continue enjoying it, but the job search must begin!

so, since this is a food blog, on to the food!

i have to say i'm actually really glad to have just maintained my weight the past week or so.  i was trying to arrange things, get stuff out, eating whatever was around but i still kept track as best i could.  i was afraid i had miscalculated since i wasn't really writing it or blogging it here, and that i would have gained, but it's been alright.

i've noticed in the last week that you get a lot more full and feel more satisfied when you cook your own meals.  i never thought i'd say that!  but i'm getting into the groove of cooking, i'm kind of making it up as i go along.  luckily i do have some cookbooks and i have mandy trying out new stuff at home, she always tell me if it's good. :D  i made some amazing lemon pepper pork chops the other night, chris and phil loved them!  the whole dinner was only 13 pts, and that was with two pork chops!  i was totally stuffed and i was so proud of my little meal.  :B

i guess the whole point is that now that i'm learning how to cook, i am enjoying it.  i'm sure i'll get tired of it eventually, but it really makes me happy when chris and phil compliment my food and that makes me want to cook more.  i wish i had some pictures of my awesome meals, i'll have to start doing that when it looks tasty.

my current favorite food is butterscotch pudding!  i eat it basically as a replacement to really expensive (points wise) and bad for you caramel dip.  a half a cup is only 2 pts (maybe less, the nutrition facts list it with 2% milk and i only use 1%) and apples are free.  i can eat two whole apples with that!  i get my fruit in and it's absolutely delicious!  i recommend it even if you're not dieting.  

but, i'll go ahead and track my day for you.

mexican-y scrambled eggs (leftover chicken from chicken tacos and eggs):  6 pts

treadmill, incline, 30 minutes:  +4

tater tots with cheese and buffalo sauce, 2 servings:  12 pts
(sounds weird, but totally delicious!)

leftover taco filling turned into taco salad:  12 pts
second helping:  7 pts

grilled ham and cheese sandwich:  7 pts

two points left and i still have a sweet tooth.  i may go for a yogurt later, though really wish i had some more pudding!