Tuesday, February 1, 2011

findings for day 1.

so, what have i learned today?

well, i went into this diet like all other diets, i assumed that i'd be hungry all day long.  i thought i'd be running out of points and be struggling to find the tiniest amount of points to eat so that i'd have some left at the end of the night in case of hunger pains.

as of right now i still have nine points left.  so, i actually didn't eat enough today.  looking back at what i've eaten today i should have had bigger meals.  i only had 2 points for breakfast, the stuff we had to read actually recommended breakfast to be about 8 pts, so i should have had some more tasty breakfast noms!  i could have had some tasty cheese on my scrambled eggs, maybe even a nice slice of toast!

for lunch, we're recommended about 14 pts, i only had 9.  dinner should be about 16 points and i only had 11.  most people would be like 'yeah, less food less fat!', but really undereating affects your metabolism just as much as overeating.  if you looked at my tracking blog you'll notice after dinner i started stuffing my face because i still had 18 points left for the day, and i tried to use them up but i'm just not hungry anymore.  D:

i'll try again tomorrow with bigger meals, hopefully that will help me even out my points so i don't have this giant surplus at the end of the night.  after all, it's only day one so it's still a work in progress.  i didn't at all have a bad day, but i've still felt like a piggy eating all these snacks!  i know it's okay to eat them because i still have the points, but still.  piggy central.

tomorrow mandy and i are getting up early to make sure we have a good breakfast and lunch before we have to go to work.  should be tasty and awesome.

love, tiffers.


  1. You got it! Eating less is not always a good thing and it's better to eat what you should now and gradually cut back as you lose. You have learned a lot in just one day. :)

  2. we're all doing better today. i think yesterday we were just too scared of using up all our points, so instead of having bigger meals we just had more snacks to fill up the space at the end of the day. but today we had a nice big breakfast and lunch. :3
