Thursday, February 3, 2011

day 4 tracking.

tryin' to have breakfast and lunch before work.  is it gonna happen?  maybe.  but probably not.

peaches (in light syrup):  2 pts
weight watchers white chocolate yogurt:  2 pts
water:  0 pts

leftover alfredo with chicken:  13 pts

chocolate chip muffin:  4 pts
water:  0 pts
vitamin water zero:  0 pts

small steak:  7 pts
baked potato w/ butter and cheese:  5 pts
corn:  2 pts

granola bar:  3 pts

random hunger:
lean cuisine spaghetti and meatballs (plus tiny splash of weight watchers cheese):  9 pts.

went over by one today.  D:  i just wanted something hot to eat.

if you read the previous blog from this morning, you'll know this is definitely not what we had planned to eat, but i just couldn't eat that sandwich.  D:

side potato note:  our pocket guide says a medium baked potato is five points.  if i calculate the nutrition info on the bag of potatoes, one potato is three points.  but the bag also doesn't take into consideration if it's a tiny potato or a super potato.  i guess i should question somebody about that.

full for the day, but negative 1 point.

edit:  maybe not?  i put it in my tracker and was at exactly zero, unless i missed a point.  not sure.
edit again:  checked my journal, used exactly all my points today!  yay!


  1. I'm happy to see you took my advice on the yogurt and fruit for breakfast =)
    -Love Jess

  2. yeah, it was definitely way better than that sandwich would have been. :P
