about this blog.

this is me.  

my name is tiffani.  i was born september 10, 1986.  and ever since that day, i have been really, really fat.

on december 26th, 2010, i got engaged to a man who is the sweetest, most awesome, and the most so-cool-and-adorable-that-you-are-super-jealous-him person ever.  it's okay if you're sad that i have him.

aren't we so cute?

i decided two things the moment i got engaged:  

1) that i could not be fat in my wedding dress.  white only makes you look fatter and i don't want to look like a hippo in heels.

and 2):  i don't want to get married and then die of heart attack.  what's the point in that?

i found the man of my dreams, i have a promising future and i won't get to enjoy any of it if i keep clogging up my arteries with buffalo wings and donuts.

so, on january 28th, i joined weight watchers along with my mommy and my sister.  they all have their own reasons for joining, but we have the underlying cause of becoming healthier.  the healthier you are, the more time you have to enjoy your life, and we love to live!

weight watchers is a diet plan, but the most important thing about weight watchers is the support of everybody else doing it with you.  they hold you accountable for the things that you do, the keep you from cheating and keep you from giving up because you're all in the same boat.

so this is my food blog.  the more people who know what i'm doing, the more people who support what i'm doing and the more people who just give me feedback and inspiration, the better i can do.

my goal is to be a size 16 before my wedding.  it's not a super model, but it's a starting point.

so join me and help me out!

love, tiffani.