Sunday, April 10, 2011

marshmallow tea.

if your wondering about the title, apparently i made marshmallow tea today.

as a true lady of kentucky i cannot survive without sweet tea.  sweet tea mad the normal way is about 2 points or more a glass, and i don't like to drink my points.  so we switched from regular sugar to sun crystals.  it's a stevia and sugar blend, it's twice as sweet as table sugar and it's only 1 point for half a cup.  put half a cup in a gallon of tea (which has no points on it's own) and you have a 1 point gallon of tea.  since i never drink a whole gallon on my own (chris drinks it as well) i don't even count it.  i generally don't count things that are less than 1/2 a point, i only count 1/2 and up.

chris lately doesn't think the tea is sweet enough, so in the last gallon he added another serving of sun crystals and made the points go up (also, sun crystals are really expensive so i try to conserve them).  i was sad about this.  granted, i probably would only have consumed 1 point of the tea, i just don't like to drink my points. . .

so today, i made the tea as usual with the 1/2 cup of sun crystals and i poured in a little vanilla syrup (which the brand i have is 0 points), hoping to sweeten it up a little more.  it didn't smell any different, so i figured chris wouldn't even notice.

with his first sip, he asked if it was a different brand.

so i confessed to what i did to it.

and apparently it tastes like marshmallows.  chris said he didn't really like to drink  marshmallows.  i still haven't tried it, but i'll give you my opinion on it laters.

anyway, i hope i don't pay tomorrow for eating all of my weekly points.  i'm sure i'll finish them off today, i only have 21 or so left. . .well, maybe i won't finish them, i also have 10 activity points i earned today from cleaning and treadmill-ing.

my weight as pretty much been hovering in the same area the past few weeks, and it's starting to get on my nerves.  i've been doing much better about occupying myself in a way that's not just sitting on the couch, so hopefully that helps out


housework, low impact, 60 minutes:  8 pts

grilled cheese with bacon and tomato:  8 pts
progresso light chicken noodle soup:  4 pts

treadmill, moderate impact, 20 minutes:  2 pts

cookie:  2 pts
slim jim:  4 pts

steak, macaroni and cheese, baked potato:  17 pts
extra steak:  5 pts

1 cup pudding:  4 pts

total used:  44
activity points earned:  10 

i need to make some sort of template for these blogs so i remember to give the information in the same way. . .i probably won't though.

MARSHMALLOW TEA EDIT:  it tastes like marshmallows.  i'm gonna dump it.

love, tiffers.

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