Sunday, April 17, 2011

still crafting.

again, sorry for sporadic posting!  all this crafting is killing me!

good news is i have 20 glass tile necklaces for the craft fair!  bad news is, only 1 squid!  after i treadmill and shower, it's probably gonna be squids all day. . .


housework, 30 mins.:  2 pts

2 grilled ham, cheese and tomato sandwiches:  13 pts

treadmill, mod., 20 mins.:  3 pts

total used:  13 pts
activity points earned today:  5 pts

Thursday, April 14, 2011


apple-y is how my house smells right now.  yum.

sorry for not posting yesterday.  with the spring fling, our first craft fair, coming up on the 30th, i've been motivated to do little else but craft.  sadly, one of my projects is taking forever, while the other i can make 10 in like, 30 minutes.  i only managed to make one squid, but as long as i can make a squid a day i think we'll have plenty.  i'm also working on some glass tile pendants, got some pretty scrapbook paper yesterday, plus have 5 recycled pokemon card pendants.  very cool, if i do say so myself. 

anyway, with all that, i didn't track very well yesterday.  not to say i didn't, and i kept up with my points well (used exactly all of them and no more), but i didn't write them down in any form.  also, my journal is kinda bummin' me out.  it's getting all tore up and bug wrote on it and the stickers are coming off and blah blah blah.  it doesn't interest me anymore.  i will say that a cute book does motivate me to track!  i only have to finish out the week and then i have a nice fresh one to start!  i'm all ready planning it's decoration with some of the leftover scrapbook paper from the pendants.

also, i made a salad for lunch!  i'm know, i'm just as surprised as you are!  i had some tasty boca meatless spicy chicken patties in the freezer, but no buns to eat them on, only bread.  then i realized if i didn't use bread i could totally eat two of them!  so i put them in the oven, put some sharp cheddar cheese on them and cut them up on top of some lettuce and diced tomatoes.  put a little hot sauce on top.  delicious, and i tricked myself into eating a bowl of lettuce.  :P

anyway, on to tracking!


housework, low, 50 mins.:  +5 pts

treadmill, mod, 20 mins.:  +3 pts

spicy chicken salad:  12 pts

leftover chicken patty:  6 pts

mexican-y salad w/ chicken:  14 pts

total points used:  32 pts
total activity points earned:  8 pts
total activity points earned for the week:  18

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

banana pudding.

now, as a good southern girl, i could probably make banana pudding in my sleep.  it's one of the few southern belle things i can accomplish (along with delicious sweet tea, but not including anything that needs to be fried).  chris bought all the stuff to make it, but the bananas he got were already close to being really ripe, and he kept forgetting to make it.  we decided last night he needed to make it or else those bananas were off to meet their maker.  

and of course, we forgot about it.

so i made it today.

again, i know how to make a banana pudding.  my problem is i get sort of artsy with it.  i like to have a clear bowl so you can see all the pretty layers.  so my pudding has a vanilla wafer border, a vanilla wafer daisy and a crushed vanilla wafer bed to rest on (i couldn't very well decorate with the broken ones until they were crushed into powder).  i also have a vanilla wafer bias, so the vanilla wafer to pudding ratio is probably a little off. . .

lookit mah puddin'!

with it's beautiful puddin' layers.

as you can tell from this photo, my pudding was too big for my bowl.  a little way too big.  but that did mean i got a delicious pudding snack,  since if i would have poured anymore in, it would have exploded.  i'm sure it's still delicious though, regardless of how it looks.

in other foodie news, my tummy is still full and sad from mexican food yesterday.  i didn't really think that meal would fill me up all day, but it totally did.  and when i put lunch in it today, it was kinda sad.  D:  oh wells.


housework, 60 min., low impact:  5 pts

2 grilled cheese w/ bacon and tomato:  16 pts

leftover banana pudding:  3 pts

treadmill, mod., 40 min.:  5 pts

vanilla wafers:  4 pts

3 enchiladas:  21 pts

total used:  44 pts
activity points earned today:  10  pts
activity points earned for the week:  10 pts

Monday, April 11, 2011

rainy day.

so, beginning of a new week, which means weigh in day!  

i am a sad tiffers though, didn't gain but just can't seem to get a way from this 274. . .sigh.  oh well.

today is again very rainy and sad.  i'm gettin' tired of this rain!  it was so nice out yesterday. . .

anyway, today me and chris are going to be good citizens and go give some blood.  i've always wanted to do it, cuz i know if i ever needed some blood i'd want there to be some around!  so it's only fair to give a little bit.  my daddy does it all the time.  i've just never wanted to go by myself, but chris is going too, so i can be brave!

now everyone knows you get rewarded for giving blood right?  well the blood drive is at zaxby's and you get a free meal for donating!!  i haven't had zaxby's in MONTHS and i think i've i'm gonna hand over some blood i deserve a treat.  :P

EDIT:  so chris totally got the date wrong for the blood drive.  it's not for another two weeks.  silly boy.


mexican:  ??? pts

i haven't figured up the points for it.  i'm assuming it's all of them for the day.  which doesn't make me feel bad, i still have about half of my food left, so it will make a great dinner, too!

this is what's LEFT of my food.  dinner for me!
love, tiffers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

marshmallow tea.

if your wondering about the title, apparently i made marshmallow tea today.

as a true lady of kentucky i cannot survive without sweet tea.  sweet tea mad the normal way is about 2 points or more a glass, and i don't like to drink my points.  so we switched from regular sugar to sun crystals.  it's a stevia and sugar blend, it's twice as sweet as table sugar and it's only 1 point for half a cup.  put half a cup in a gallon of tea (which has no points on it's own) and you have a 1 point gallon of tea.  since i never drink a whole gallon on my own (chris drinks it as well) i don't even count it.  i generally don't count things that are less than 1/2 a point, i only count 1/2 and up.

chris lately doesn't think the tea is sweet enough, so in the last gallon he added another serving of sun crystals and made the points go up (also, sun crystals are really expensive so i try to conserve them).  i was sad about this.  granted, i probably would only have consumed 1 point of the tea, i just don't like to drink my points. . .

so today, i made the tea as usual with the 1/2 cup of sun crystals and i poured in a little vanilla syrup (which the brand i have is 0 points), hoping to sweeten it up a little more.  it didn't smell any different, so i figured chris wouldn't even notice.

with his first sip, he asked if it was a different brand.

so i confessed to what i did to it.

and apparently it tastes like marshmallows.  chris said he didn't really like to drink  marshmallows.  i still haven't tried it, but i'll give you my opinion on it laters.

anyway, i hope i don't pay tomorrow for eating all of my weekly points.  i'm sure i'll finish them off today, i only have 21 or so left. . .well, maybe i won't finish them, i also have 10 activity points i earned today from cleaning and treadmill-ing.

my weight as pretty much been hovering in the same area the past few weeks, and it's starting to get on my nerves.  i've been doing much better about occupying myself in a way that's not just sitting on the couch, so hopefully that helps out


housework, low impact, 60 minutes:  8 pts

grilled cheese with bacon and tomato:  8 pts
progresso light chicken noodle soup:  4 pts

treadmill, moderate impact, 20 minutes:  2 pts

cookie:  2 pts
slim jim:  4 pts

steak, macaroni and cheese, baked potato:  17 pts
extra steak:  5 pts

1 cup pudding:  4 pts

total used:  44
activity points earned:  10 

i need to make some sort of template for these blogs so i remember to give the information in the same way. . .i probably won't though.

MARSHMALLOW TEA EDIT:  it tastes like marshmallows.  i'm gonna dump it.

love, tiffers.

Friday, April 8, 2011

a yummy activity points day.

my granny's birthday party is tomorrow, so i came back home to my lovely family's house today!  i do miss my dude a little bit though (he had to work, so my daddy just picked me up)!  i haven't slept by myself in over a month!

anyway, spent some of my earned activity points today to have a yummy fun day with the family.  i'm gonna try to get it all down so i can keep up with them!


quarter pounder from mcdonald's:  13 pts
1/2 pastry:  4 pts

3 bananas:  0 pts
1/2 pastry:  4 pts
pringles snack pack:  3 pts
weight watchers string cheese:  1 pt

chicken quesadilla, 2 tacos:  22 pts

total used:  47 (over 2)
activity points remaining for the WEEK:  12 pts

didn't earn any points today.  i'm not sure what to do when i'm not cleaning my house.  i did get really bored and pace around the living room for about 5 minutes.  i've gotten used to cleaning!  oh noes!

love, tiffers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

more cleaning!

i'm taking a break from cleaning at the moment, though!

i've done my normal stuffs, but i keep seeing random spots on the wall that i think i'm gonna try to get off. . .i'm turning into such a house wife. . .my god. . .and i actually enjoyed folding laundry!!  granted, i was also watching spongebob, and spongebob makes everything better.  :P


waffle with fat free whipped topping:  8 pts
coffee, regular creamer:  0 pts

90 minutes house cleaning (low impact):  +8 pts

ha!  i love how cleaning worked off my waffle!  i love that i can count housework as activity!  i know i keep saying that, but i really am tired after i do it and it makes it easier to get up and clean since i know i'm getting more benefit from it than just a clean house!

fruit with dip:  4 pts

a heart shaped bowl of fruits!  yum!  :D

treadmill, incline, 20 minutes:  +2 pts

leftover monterey chicken (with bacon):  13 pts

cheeseburger ranch mac and cheese (2 servings):  12 pts

pudding:  8 pts

total used:  46 pts  (over by 1)
activity points remaining:  9 pts (-1 to balance out)
activity points remaining for the WEEK:  14

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a mad crazy cleaning day.

so considering we pretty much left chris's party where it was when we went to bed, i've been mad crazy cleaning for the past 2 hours! 

tiffers has:

-done two loads of laundry
-done the dishes
-cleaned the counters
-cleaned the glass tables
-moved my chair/mandy's bed back to the bedroom
-cleaned off the coffee table and put it back where it belongs
-vacuumed the entire house
-mopped all mop-able surfaces
-cleaned all three of my big bathroom mirrors
-cleaned both bathroom sinks
-got inside the bathtub and scrubbed

for two hours of low activity, the weight watchers activity tracker gave me 11 points!  i'm gonna go eat a guilt free 6 point cupcake!  go me!  :D


1 waffle with fat free whipped topping and cinnamon sugar:  8 pts

mad crazy cleaning:  + 11

cupcake:  6 pts

my guilt free cupcake.  :D
leftover waffle:  8 pts
fruit with dip:  4 pts

2 string cheese:  2 pts
bacon (while chris was making some for dinner :P):  2 pts
monterey chicken:  11 pts

total used:  35
activity points remaining:  5

dinner was so good!  i actually opted to eat the piece of chicken without bacon (phil and i were snacking on it as chris was cooking it, so we ran out.  but how can you ignore bacon!?) so it was a few points less than the others.  i think the regular chickens were 13.  i was sad that we didn't have a side with it.  we were gonna have baked potatoes, but when i pulled the bag out of the pantry they were kind of wrinkly and soft. . .sadness.

anyway, finished the day with 10 pts left, but was super full!

love, tiffers.

Monday, April 4, 2011

maintaining blog.

again with the missing me, i know!  had a wedding to attend, a mini-sleepover at my parents, a mini-sleepover at my house for my dude's birthday, then a shopping trip today with the sister and another sleepover at the parents house coming up now since the weather has been kinda iffy.

since i have some, have some birthday food pictures!

mandy with chris's birthday fruit and veggie tray!

isn't it so pretty-ful!?

funfetti and root beer cupcakes!  yes, i said root beer!
surprisingly, chris, mandy and i did really well on points yesterday!  the cupcakes were about 6 a piece (some of them were extra fat and some were extra small), the fruits and veggies were zero (but we had ranch and fruit dip, they were both about 2 pts per serving) and pizza from snappy tomato (cheese was 6 pts, buffalo chicken was 7).  i was totally full, but i did eat a couple extra slices of pizza with my remaining weekly points just to indulge in some pizza goodness!

i won't track at you today, i've actually had a really bad day points wise.  we went out to eat at buffalo wild wings and we didn't check the points of anything before hand since we weren't sure where we were going to eat.  turns out chicken tenders there are 5 points a piece and my meal had 6 of them!  i spread it out over two meals, but with our appetizer and the side of wedges i went over my daily points by 13!  D:

luckily, today was the start of the new week, so i have the weekly points to cover it.  chris works 8 hour days all week, so this is probably going to be our only day eating out, so it should be fine.

as far as weigh in, i've been maintaining the past couple of weeks.  if you've seen the numbers, i had a massive weight loss of about 8 pounds in a week, so i figured it would be pretty slow after that.  i also haven't been treadmill-ing everyday because it's been really hard on my knees and back.  i've taken the mentality of 'just keep busy', so i clean a lot, random iPod dance around the kitchen (when i'm alone!) and just trying to keep my mind occupied and away from food.  plus the cleaning gives me activity points too.  so it's all good.

love, tiffers.

Friday, April 1, 2011


sorry it's been a few days.  pretty hectic, have a friends wedding tomorrow, i have some crafting to do for it!

anyway, i've been putting around mom's weight watchers account for a few days reading up on activity.  at the meetings, they basically said anything could count as long as you were moving.  i had my doubts on that, but i found a whole list of things that (if you do them long enough) count as activity!  so i've been doing double duty, cleaning my house and burning calories.  i try to do at least a half hour of active house work (sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and scrubbing things) a day, plus a shorter treadmill period.  the treadmill has been really hard on my back and my knees lately, but if i make sure to get in some extra activity in the day, i can cut my time to fifteen or twenty minutes on it and still feel good.

as it is, today i added a bunch of laundry and even for realsies made the bed today and got to a whole hour of straight cleaning.  i tried to even be conscious of where i was moving and i would go the long way around, anything to be moving.  i put it into the activity tracker and it spit me out 5 activity points!  even going on the treadmill for 30 minutes i would only get 4, so i'm actually ahead for the day.  i still may try to get my treadmill time in, but i do have a lot to do to be ready for tomorrow!  i need to craft another gift (mine was kinda lame, so i thought i'd make a little something more to go with it), i need to get my dress out and see if it needs to be cleaned, i need to do my nails, go to walmart and get a gift bag, a card and some pantyhose (and i guess i need to cook dinner at some point). . .

may skip the treadmill and walk an extra lap or two around walmart.  walmart > treadmill.


1 hour house cleaning (low):  +5 pts

ww yogurt:  2 pts
ww cookie:  2 pts

leftover ravioli:  8 pts

string cheese:  1 pt
ww cookie:  2 pts

total used:  15 pts